Sometimes things don’t always go according the plan. It could have been necessary to borrow more than you can afford each month. You might be wondering what you can do to fix your financial problems.

Small-business owners and individuals alike can benefit from knowing when it is best to file for bankruptcy. Learn more about it to determine if it’s the right decision for your financial needs.

What Does Bankruptcy Mean?

People who are overwhelmed with debt may start the bankruptcy process. They must sign an federal petition, which will review their outstanding financial obligations.

What Are The Types of Bankruptcy.

As individuals or as business owners, it is possible to accumulate too much debt. There are many options for bankruptcy. These are specific chapters from the U.S. bankruptcy code you should look at if you find it difficult to repay debts.

Chapter 7: Individual Liquidation

Chapter 7 is the most popular Chapter for those who are unable to file Chapter 13. A federal court names a trustee to assist in the sale of property to repay creditors, lenders, or lenders. Claim specific property exempt From Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, like your car and pension or household wealth.

Chapter 11, Reorganization of Bankruptcy

Small-business owners can file Chapter 11 bankruptcy to organize their assets, affairs and debts. An examiner can assist you in the process if you have more than $5,000,000 of these factors.

This is an important step for business leaders because it allows the company’s operation to continue as normal while restructuring occurs. If the debtor has not offered the idea to creditors, they can also suggest Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Chapter 13, Asset Maintenance and Payment Plan

Individuals who file Chapter 13 bankruptcy will be allowed to keep their assets. However they will have to repay their debts in three to five years from the approval of a court. If you don’t make or miss any payments, nothing will be required to be liquidated. Most people who do not receive bankruptcy approval are employed with no income.

When Should I File for Bankruptcy?

Negotiate with your creditors before you file bankruptcy. If you negotiate with your creditors and debtors, they will be allowed to keep their money.

Sometimes debtors will negotiate. Sometimes, however, they won’t if they don’t see any viable path forward because of your financial history or circumstances.

If negotiation is not possible and you fear losing your home or other vital assets due to inability make monthly payment, you might consider filing for bankruptcy. To receive the correct bankruptcy certificate, you need to first meet with a credit counselor.

A counselor will go through your assets and liabilities with you and then recommend the best solution, even if it isn’t bankruptcy. These experts are available by calling federal credit counseling agency.

Perhaps you are worried that your current assets or net worth will not be sufficient to cover your debts. If this is the situation, your senior-most lender will work with you to create a financial strategy plan to repay the debt. If your minor lenders agree to the plan, they will comply with senior-most decisions.

When a Business Needs to File for Bankruptcy

Small-business owners may need to file bankruptcy when debtors are unwilling to negotiate about their loans. This would be a Chapter 11 situation, which typically has a few benefits and cons for those who own small businesses.

If creditors or debtors refuse to meet for new terms and conditions, you may be eligible for this form of bankruptcy. Instead, everyone could come to the same table in the federal case to talk about options like extended terms for equipment and real estate payments.

Small-business owners aren’t required to liquidate all of their assets and businesses immediately in order to pay back the debt. They can stay open and operational as Chapter 11 prioritizes repayments plans approved by federal court. After agreement between the parties, a trustee takes over the oversight of ongoing payments.

Small-business owners often hesitate to file bankruptcy as it can be a lengthy, expensive and complicated process. Depending on the court calendar and whether debtors agree or not to payment plans, filing and attorney fees can cost you an average of $19 7,738.

Additionally, your initial payments must be made within the first few calendar months of your agreement. It can be hard to balance your daily business operations with legal fees.

How Do I File for Bankruptcy

There are many steps to filing bankruptcy. Before you decide to file for bankruptcy, be familiar with the process.

1. Consider Your Options

Resolving debts like student loans and unpaid taxes may not be the best option for you. As you explore consolidation, or settlement, consider paying off unpaid student loans and taxes. To make the right decision you will need your personal financial history along with credit report paperwork.

2. Choose the Type of Bankruptcy

If you are deciding that bankruptcy is right to you or for your company, you can choose from Chapters 7, 11 and 13. To narrow down your options, you can choose to file bankruptcy as an individual or as a business. After this, you can evaluate your assets and current income to determine which option is best for you.

3. Get an Attorney

The American Bar Association, state associations and other organizations have lists of attorneys available to assist with bankruptcy filings. If you do not have the financial means to afford representation, you may also be eligible for free legal aid.

Also known as “Going pro se”, the option to be represented yourself. You won’t pay attorney fees and you will save most of your filing expenses. But you may not get all the debt relief that your case deserves. A recent study revealed that less than half (48%) of represented cases led to debt discharge. However, 93% of those represented cases did.

4. Register for a Credit Counseling course

Anybody filing for bankruptcy of any sort will need to go to a credit counseling session. It helps people assess their options and choose the best course of action. If you complete your class after 180 days, you will have the opportunity to retake it closer towards your official filing date.

5. Complete all Counseling and legal forms

After meeting with your credit counselors and having completed your course you will have to fill in all relevant forms. There are many aspects to any bankruptcy. So be prepared for this step to take a while. The forms include information such as your financial history and statements. If you want representation, your lawyer will be able help.

6. Pay fees and fill out forms

The paperwork you file comes with many fees. There are filing fees and administrative costs. A trustee may charge additional fees to oversee your payment plan arrangements. Sometimes, these fees can be waived but only if your income exceeds 150% of what a federal court has determined to be the poverty line.

7. Negotiate With Your Creditors

Your creditors will meet up with you after your payments have been made and all paperwork has been filed. They will examine your circumstances and determine the best way to pay your debts. All agreements reached during this meeting are legally binding as they were made under oath.

8. Attend Debtor education classes

You must complete post-filing education classes if your lenders discharge your debts. It ensures that you are able to manage your money better by taking the tests and lessons. For your bankruptcy to be completed, you’ll need to pay a class fee.

The Life After Filing

What will your future look like after bankruptcy? It all depends on the way you file bankruptcy, and what your circumstances are.

Chapter 7 bankruptcies can remain on credit files for up to ten years, once both the creditors and the debtors have paid it off. Chapter 13 bankruptcy however, will not remain on credit records for more than seven years.

No matter how many times you file, your credit score can also be reduced. You could find it more difficult or impossible for investors and insurers to lend you money if your business expands or you are in an emergency.

If you are in serious debt right away after filing bankruptcy, you might be forced to bear it for many years. There are limits on how often you can file a particular bankruptcy chapter.

Debts Don’t Add Up to Bankruptcy

You don’t have to file bankruptcy if your owing money is not admissible. Here are some debts that the federal courts won’t accept for bankruptcy filings.

Outstanding utility bills


Credit card debt

Medical bills

Payday loans

Past-due rent bills

To determine if or not your debt qualifies to file for bankruptcy, you should contact legal representation or credit counsellors.

Learn When to File For Bankruptcy

Knowing when to file bankruptcy is critical to managing your finances . It could be a step towards your brighter future or a step backwards. Talk to an expert to find out if this is the best method to manage debts while still maintaining your professional or personal life.

By Manali